Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6 and me

Dear All,
The Chinese proverb “Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” has been true to me this week. I think this week from Howard Gardner I have got chance to be involved more in knowing multiple intelligence of the learners and human abilities with how best to delineate. I think when I will deal with my participants I will be able to identify the position of them and set appropriate technology.

Reading Felder and Soloman’s article on Learning Styles and Strategies, I come to know that there are different kind of learners such as Active and Reflective; Sensing and Intuitive; Visual and Verbal;  and sequential and global learners. Perhaps unknowingly we diagnose our learners. But from the article, I have got a clear idea of how each type of the learning helps oneself.

By posting on Nicenet, going through the others’ posts and receiving feedbacks from guest moderator Dear George and my fellow course mates, I have been clear about the human abilities and learning styles.
Our task is assigned to prepare rubric for a lesson. I prepared rubric for assessing writing. I have kept 5 dimensions and 5 levels of quality. I didn’t put “0” as I think we shouldn’t give “0”. Uploading rubric file in the Wiki is also new experience to me.
In project task 3, I mentioned that I want to develop my participants writing and pronunciation skills. I have given some tasks to my participants particularly opening an account to Some of them have already started. I take the pleasure to inform you that some of them have been inspired and bought laptops. I have given them the names of sites which deal with writing skill and pronunciation. They are also told to look into dictionary and find out different symbols, accents for words. I have started to e-mail them so that they can be in touch. Moreover cell/phone is being used to keep regular contact.      

Best regards,


  1. It would be better, if you would have posted the rubric here in this blog-post

  2. Dear Mahamud,

    It's great news that your students are so excited about the project. This is truly an example of "involve me and I understand"!

